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Why a LENS Endowment?

The word itself can be intimidating and even pretentious sounding. Whenever I heard the word endowment in the past, I always associated it with institutions such as Harvard or Duke. They seemed to be extremely large funds that had been established for the purpose of providing new buildings, research opportunities or libraries. It wasn’t exactly applicable to me or my lifestyle. But then I was able to be a part of the system, on a much smaller scale of course. As Principal of a small private school, I realized that some of my families struggled with the cost of tuition. Then I was approached by several different groups, mainly grandparents and parishioners, whose wish was to set up scholarships in memory of a loved one. It was a way for them to honor someone and help with a child’s education simultaneously. It was amazing to witness the impact this gift had on all, the child, his/her family and the donor. And the best part is that those funds are still giving scholarships today. Now I think of endowments differently.

It’s a chance to be part of a whole. I can liken it to nature. One tree stands alone; but many trees together constitute a beautiful forest. I can join with other like-minded people with a common goal.

These combined funds can be used for the betterment of our community.

My name may not be on a library, but my heart will be happy.

Individuals or organizations may support the Tax Exempt Endowment by two primary means: One, by the automatic “Monthly Giving” program. Two, by donations through “Estate Giving.”

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